
Publishing can be an obstacle. One of those things authors get nervous about. You never know how it will turn out. If you’re publishing process will be easy or difficult. Some authors have an easier time than others. Some authors are more outgoing than others. And authors know how to navigate social media so well that they need not be in the public eye to make their book sell. Here are ways to publish your work.

  1. Traditional publishing: when you query and submit to agents and editors to land a contract that pays an advance and royalties (and typically involves nationwide bookstore distribution).
  2. Partnership publishing: one might consider this the evolution of traditional publishing, where authors are positioned more as partners, receive higher royalties, but usually no advance.
  3. Fully-assisted publishing: the old “vanity” self-publishing model, where you write a check and get your book published without lifting a finger.
  4. Do-it-yourself (DIY) publishing with a distributor: while this applies to either print or e-books, today this usually involves e-publishing your work (to reduce financial risk and investment involved with print), and using a service provider or distributor to reach all possible online retailers—and/or to provide assistance.
  5. Do-it-yourself (DIY) direct publishing: when an author puts no middlemen between him and the retailer selling his books. Often, this option is combined with #4 above; for example, someone might sell direct through Amazon KDP, and complement it with distribution to all other retailers through Smashwords. This is possible because most distributors and online retailers of e-books work on a nonexclusive basis.

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