Planning For Writers Book! It’s Here!

Finding the time to write a book is becoming harder and harder. With day jobs, family obligations, household chores, and hobbies, many writers struggle to get any writing done. While this is very true, publishers and readers expect writers to publish multiple books every year, and to somehow find time to also market their books through blogging, social media, and networking. 

Some of what this book will help you do, whether you write fiction or nonfiction, is:

  • Find enough time to write with a day job
  • Write and publish more books in less time
  • First drafts written quicker but still well written 
  • Deal with distractions and interruptions
  • Finding your most productive writing routine

And more!

You can either purchase the downloadable ebook version or paperback in the shop! Click here! Paperback is a signed copy!

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